Natural Colour Studies
Therapeutic Art Project Presentation for the European Federate of Art Therapists 2021 (see video below):
What is The 7 Fold Process?
It is a metamorphic processing of a pigment-substance (plant/animal/stone) in symbiotic inner processing of the person engaging in the work. Every aspect of the process may serve as a mirror for a person to see within. The person is held in the process by the rules of nature and laws of the process. One's relationship to a colour-process may reveal what one needs and can learn at a given time.
Through phenomenological observations and reflections one can become aware of the inner truth by the guiding love/truth of nature. This is tough love by nature but love can show you your truth in your own process; given that one enters full-heartedly!
It is for you by you (The mysterious 7th Fold)! This method was and still being established through a continuous self-study. It serves as a cloak to embrace this alchemical-inductive-inter and intra-personal transformation...
In the spectrum of one's action, feeling and thinking the potential energies of nature (unified field) weave the path the individual may take.
Andrea's First Colour to work with w Colour Woad (Indigo) in The7 Fold Process (18 months):
Soil - Seed - Plant - Pigment - Paint - Art - The 7th
Photo-montage video of the project:
Andrea's Second Colour was Colour Cochineal (Carmine - Magenta) in The 7 Fold Process (4months):
Nature-Female Cochineal Beetles-Preparation of Silk-Pigment-Dye-Art and Craft-The 7th
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